North Coast, Northern Ireland
028 7055 9504

Employee Support Vouchers

At the end of this year… don’t just spend – INVEST

We know that this has been a crazy year. We have all faced endless and unprecedented challenges – isolation, loneliness (for even the most sociable of people), the personal and financial challenges of remaining safe, juggling the needs and priorities of family members, sustaining work commitments in a new and sometimes uncomfortable environment and all the while trying our very best to look after ourselves and kept together!

Protecting your People

As end of year looms, please don’t go down the frequently trodden path of bulk buying stationery, unnecessary office furniture or last minute, low impact training. We know how important it is to protect budgets, so use this time to invest rather than spend.

Hummingbird Staff Voucher Scheme

The Hummingbird Project Emotional Resilience Voucher Scheme allows organisations to purchase vouchers at different budget and support levels, which can be redeemed over the course of a full year, to address and support the needs of your staff

Giving your staff the support they need when they need it most

Vouchers can be purchased in any combination and in multiples depending on the size of your team. Vouchers can be redeemed from date of purchase for a full year.

Interactive Online Resilience Forum

Emotional resilience forums – interactive online support for teams to come together and build skills and knowledge on self-care and action plans for tough times (10 participants per voucher)

1-2-1 Emotional Support

One to One emotional resilience support sessions for individual staff members who are under extreme pressure (6 x 1-hour sessions per voucher)

Group Resilience Skills Training

Understanding emotional resilience group training – interactive online or in person training for employees and managers to gain skills, knowledge & robust resilience plans for themselves or their team members (10 participants per voucher)

More workplace wellbeing services…

We pride ourselves in inspiring real change in the wellbeing of your staff. Here’s what else we do:

1-2-1 Recovery Mentoring

These sessions provide one-to-one, person-centred recovery & resilience skills, tailored for the individual’s emotional health.

Learn more

Group Resilience Training

We provide endorsed and accredited resilience courses to all sectors – which upskill and build capacity for staff and clients.

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Online Resilience Forum

This support forum up-skills its participants to understand emotional wellbeing and build resilience for their wellbeing.

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